Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban
Pada kesempatan kali ini akan membagikan Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban yang dapat kalian pelajari. Buat adek-adek yang duduk di bangku kelas 6 SD, Soal ini sangat penting untuk di pelajari, karena bisa jadi akan keluar ketika Ujian UTS tiba. Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 plus Kunci Jawaban merupakan prediksi soal dalam bentuk pilihan Ganda (pg) dan Essay. Berikut soal-soal Bahasa Inggris nya.
Soal Bagian I
1. It ... one thousand rupiahs.
a. cost
b. costed
c. costs
d. costing
2. Is plan faster than cart ? Yes, ...
a. is it
b. it does
c. it is
d. it do
3. My father is 45 years old. My uncle is 35 years old. My father is ... than my uncle.
a. older
b. younger
c. handsome
d. beatiful
4. Look ! the baby is ... the table.
a. under
b. on
c. beside
d. between
5. Train is ... than bus
a. slower
b. faster
c. higher
d. shorter
6. She always becomes the number one in my class because she is ...
a. clever
b. beautiful
c. stupid
d. kind
7. Andika is ... the window.
a. beside
b. in front of
c. behind
d. between
8. Can you show me ... the art centre is located ?
a. what
b. who
c. where
d. when
9. Andi's pencil is 20 cm. Reno's pencil is 15 cm. Andi's pencil is ... than Reno's
a. long
b. longer
c. short
d. shorter
10. The opposite of north is ...
a. east
b. west
c. south
d. south east
11. Aldi always does his homework. He is a ... boy
a. clever
b. diligent
c. stubborn
d. lazy
12. Eko usually goes ... on holiday.(memancing)
a. fishing
b. rafting
c. camping
d. shopping
13. She looks very ... So many boys like her.
a. handsome
b. beautiful
c. ugly
d. happy
14. Mr. Arman has much money. He is a ...
a. handsome man
b. rich man
c. cute man
d. poor man
15. Eko is ... than Ari.
a. shorter
b. longer
c. taller
d. fatter
16. Ayu looks nice with ... hair. (panjang)
a. short
b. long
c. curly
d. beautiful
17. Samuel has chubby ...
a. hair
b. hose
c. body
d. cheek
18. Fauzi likes ... in the river.(berenang)
a. gardening
b. cycling
c. fishing
d. swimming
19. She is ... in my class. So that many boys like her. (paling cantik)
a. the most beautiful
b. the more beautiful
c. the most handsome
d. the youngest
20. Adit is ... than Dimas (lebih rajin)
a. more diligent
b. smarter
c. handsomer
d. lazier
21. Dona : "... does this T-shirt cost"?
Harun : "It costs one hundred thousand rupiahs".
a. How many
b. How much
c. What
d. How
22. He is ... man in my village. (paling tua)
a. the youngest
b. the oldest
c. the richest
d. the tallest
23. Putri is ... her mother (secerdas)
a. as kind as
b. as beautiful as
c. as fat as
d. as smart as
24. Mrs. Anita buys vegetables in the ...
a. mall
b. supermarket
d. fruit stall
25. The books are ... the bag.
a. under
b. on
c. beside
d. between
26. It can protect our body from cold water. It is ...
a. jacket
b. hat
c. shirt
d. bag
a. jacket
b. hat
c. shirt
d. bag
27. I want to go swimming. I need ...
a. tent
b. rope
c. swimsuit
d. shoes
28. Driver is a person who drives ...
a. train
b. car
c. plane
d. pedicap
29. Linda always gets the first rank in the class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer
30. My grand mother is ... your grand mother (setua)
a. as old as
b. as young as
c. older
d. the oldest
Soal Bagian II
1. Annie likes cooking on holiday = ..................................................
Jawaban: Anni suka memasak pada hari libur
2. Talita and Tina like playing rope skipping = .....................................
Jawaban: Talita dan Tina suka bermain lompat tali
3. My house on Jl. Kawi = .................................................................
Jawaban: Rumahku di jalan Kawi
4. My ruler is longer than Tia’s = .......................................................
Jawaban: Penggarisku lebih panjang dari kepunyaan Tia
5. My mother is younger than my father = ..........................................
Jawaban: Ibuku lebih muda dari ayahku
Soal bagian III
III. Translate into Engliah !
1. Bali terletak diantara Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara =.............................
Jawaban: Bali is located between Java and Nusa Tenggara
2. Saya suka berkebun = .................................................................
Jawaban: I like gardening
3. Dio suka menulis selama liburan = ....................................................
Jawaban: Dio likes writing during holiday
4. Farhan adalah murid terpandai di kelasnya = ...................................
Jawaban: Farhan is the smartest student in his class
5. Rumah saya di depan rumah pak Sunaryo =....................................
Jawaban: My house is in front of Mr Sunaryo's house
Soal Bagian IV
IV. Arrange the words into good sentences !
1. on – the – is – There – a chalk – table = ........................................
Jawaban:There is a chalk on the table
2. like – I – gardening – holiday - on = ...........................................
Jawaban:I like gardening on holiday
3. Makassar – is – located – Where - ? = .........................................
Jawaban:Where is Makassar located ?
4. brother – as – Anton – his – is – handsome – as = ............................
Jawaban:Anton is as handsome as his brother
5. is – boy – Adi - the fattest – class – this - in = ...............................
Jawaban:Adi is the fattest boy in this class
Demikian Prediksi Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban untuk kalian kalian yang duduk di bangku kelas 6 SD. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih